1) sign in with your personal account to: https://treehouse.onetree.org.au/

2) Click the Administration option

3) Click user management -> create user

4) The Treehouse account is created just after creating the user in AD. use the information provided from HR to fill in the below, First name - Surname - Position title - username (matches AD) - password (leave blank this is auto filled, the users treehouse password will be the same as their user account) - alternate email (will be the OneTree email) - house - Tick all staff if this is a new staff member, tick RTO if this is a student request.

5) tick the below boxes, for groups each staff member will need to be given access to the below. From the dropdown box you can select ICT@OT then the induction/required learning/Service Quarterly compliance for the corresponding service.

Once the above has been complete no further action required. The user will be able to sign into Treehouse with the new user information you have sent/will send to the director upon new user creation.